Paige Erwin Joyner is from West TN and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design/Drawing from Mississippi State University and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting from the University of Memphis. She currently teaches hands-on visual art in local elementary and middle schools via TAC grants, STS monies, and private funding. She also teaches private lessons, classes, and parties for many age groups (first grade thru senior citizens). She does commissions, set/prop design, calligraphy, signage, and many more such projects in her community. She is also helping to start an Arts Council in her county. She is married to Brian Joyner, who serves as Minister of Music and Youth at First Baptist Church, Alamo. They have two very active, talented sons.
Sample Programs Offered
Program Type: Arts Curriculum
Program Description:
This program increases students’ appreciation for and knowledge of the arts as it gives them hands-on experience with as many different visual arts mediums as time allows. The Artist-in-Residence will typically visit your school for week-long sessions during which she will teach every student by sections as they attend a regular activity such as Music. Students will participate in age/skill-appropriate hands-on art-making opportunities in drawing, painting, sculpting and more as they learn to use tools such as graphite, colored pencils, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, tempera, foil, Model Magic, polymer clay, many forms of paper art and more.
Lesson Plan Example: Download File
Program Type: Arts Curriculum
Program Description:
This program increases students’ appreciation for and knowledge of the arts as it combines orchestral music and visual art into a very memorable hands-on experience. Students are guided to participate in “The Color of Music,” art contest sponsored annually by the Jackson Symphony Orchestra/League. The contest involves listening to selected recorded musical works, and interpreting the sounds into two-dimensional paintings which will be entered into the contest. Winners will be selected from each grade level to represent each school. Further awards will be given by the JSL themselves. Later students will attend a field trip concert to see/hear the JSO perform the music and interact with the conductor. It is a great way to show students how the arts inspire each other.
Lesson Plan Example: Download File
Program Type: Arts Curriculum
Program Description:
This program increases students’ appreciation for and knowledge of the arts as it incorporates visual art-making into another non-arts subject. Examples might include Reading/Science…Perhaps a class is reading a story about Impressionists. Students could produce a drawing/painting done in that style. To link to Science, students could explore how light breaks into the color spectrum as it travels through a prism, and then build their own color wheels using Model Magic, mixing the colors in their own hands. Math/Social Studies would be an easy mix studying a culture’s weaving techniques.
Lesson Plan Example: Download File